Become a HPHA Member
- To be a member of HPHA, an individual must be over 18 years of age and a resident, property owner, or business owner within Paulus Hook. Annual membership dues are $10 for individuals.
Benefits of membership include:
- Know about plans affecting the quality of life in Paulus Hook by attending our monthly meetings, visiting our social media pages and reading our monthly E-Newsletter and community email updates.
- Attend events sponsored by the HPHA including our Annual Earth Day Cleanup, our weekly Farmer's Market and our HPHA Book Club.
- Receive special offers and attend events sponsored by our HPHA Business Members.
- Influence decisions that affect our Paulus Hook community by making your voice heard at our meetings.
- Join our board! Members that attend three general meetings qualify to run for a position on the board.
- Make new friends! Our members look forward to having you join our organization. We are always looking for new ideas and we are excited to hear your vision for the future of Paulus Hook .
Calendar of Events
Upcoming Events:
10/20/24 Halloween Parade for Pets and Kids, foot of Washington Street at Dudley
11/9/24 History Happened Here: Walking Tour of Paulus Hook with John Gomez
See all events
Sign Up!
The Historic Paulus Hook Association (HPHA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Since its founding in 1974, the HPHA's goal has been to promote the common good of area residents while improving quality of life and advocating for open space, historic preservation, and responsible development in the Paulus Hook neighborhood of downtown Jersey City. We actively support local recycling efforts, work with local businesses to create and run community events, and engage in negotiations with local construction to ensure residents' lives have limited disruption. We are committed to making Paulus Hook a safe environment for our families and pets.
Sign up
Sunday Victoria Milona
Native New Yorker, Southampton local, Jersey City Transplant. #ProtectourOceans 🌊