Upcoming Events:
9/18/24 Tango on the Pier; www.paulus hook.org/tango
10/20/24 Halloween Parade for Pets and Kids, foot of Washington Street at Dudley
11/8/24 History Happened Here: Walking Tour of Paulus Hook with John Gomez
Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 01:00 PM
Washington Street, south of DudleyHalloween
Halloween is coming! Get ready for our annual pet and children's Costume Parade. Sunday, Nov. 20 at the foot of Washington Street. Follow the yellow brick road to the stage - and we mean 4 footed family as well as 2.
Compete for best group costumes and most creative costume, among others. Fun activities, music and treats.
Donation: $20 for the entire family; $10 single person.