Historic Paulus Hook Association
Public Meeting Minutes
June 6, 2024
Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church
Development Oversight Committee Update
- 206 Van Vorst St. (Bel Fuse) - North side of the property is in the historic district, south side (parking lot) is in the redevelopment area.
- 50 Hudson St. - The dirt pile is uncovered and dust is blowing across the property line, which is not in compliance with regulations. Encouraged people to submit complaints on SeeClickFix.
- 85 Morris St. (Bistro La Source) - We have heard conflicting information about whether the design has been sent to historic for approval
- 201 Newark Ave. - This is not in HPHA territory, but the Downtown Coalition of Neighborhood Associations has asked us to cosign a letter that the proposed expansion is not compatible with the historic fabric of the neighborhood.
Event and Recreation Updates
- Pancake Breakfast - The financial report is not available and will be presented at a later public meeting. Attendance was lower than expected.
- Neighborhood Clean Up, June 1- The cleanup was very successful. There were 32 people in including Councilman James Solomon
- History Tour, May 18 - Approximately 50 parents and children attended. The event generated requests for additional historic stories about Paulus Hook.
- Battle of Paulus Hook, August 19 - Riza Hunger makes a motion for $1000 budget to produce the event, Phil Petruzzuli seconds. Diane Kaese makes a motion to table the vote until the August 1 public meeting, Phil seconds.
- Pickleball - Kevin Williamson reached out to Councilmen Solomon and Frank Gilmore as well the Dept. of Recreation about putting pickleball courts on Washington St. near the Korean War Memorial. Kevin will reach out to the owners of Portside and inform them that we plan to line the streets and add nets and hope to have the courts up permanently.
- Tango on the Pier - The first event will take place on Wednesday, June 19.
No Police Report
Blanca Jackson, P.S. 16 Principal
There are 800 students between both sites and a third site may be in the future. P.S.16 is the top elementary school in Jersey City and in the top 5 statewide. The student teacher ratio is currently 29:1 in the lower grades and the school will be adding new staff members next year to lower the ratio. The school will use multi-purpose areas to add more classrooms.
There was discussion of better enforcement of the no parking regulation, so the buses can safely pick up the kids. Residents of Paulus Hook are guaranteed a spot in the school. The school offers arts and music programs and Spanish is the only language offered at the moment.
Reminder that there is no public meeting in July.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.
Stephanie Daniels published this page in HPHA Minutes 2024-08-14 19:16:37 -0400