June 2017 General Meeting Minutes

HPHA Membership Meeting

Thursday, June 1, 2017

HPHA Membership Meeting

Thursday, June 1, 2017 

Meeting called to order by Diane Kaese at 7:40 PM in the basement of Saint Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, 109 Grand Street.

  1. HPHA Board Member Attendance




Sean Connelly



Lauren Cottle

Director, Media


Peter D’Agati



Sharad Hegde



Riza Hunger

Director, Events


Vincent Jacaruso

Director, Police


Diane Kaese

President, Construction/ DOC


Joyce Mathisen

Secretary, Membership 


Andrew Macurdy

Director, Board of Ed


Faith Ross

Director, Correspondence


Andy Siegel

Vice President, Featured Presenter, SID


Emmanuel Simon

Director, Technology, Website


Fred Sullivan

Director, Outreach Expat 


Jennifer Wagner



Ann Webster

Director, Infrastructure/Environment



B. Officer Reports

  1. President, Diane Kaese opened the meeting.
  2. May Meeting Minutes were approved.
  3. Budget Jennifer Wagner: Net Income for the month of April $3,032. Net Loss for the month of May -$746.
  4. President Report:
    1. Reminder no meeting in July next meeting is August 3.


C. Committee Reports

  1. Construction Committee - Diane Kaese
    1. 99 Hudson (Plaza Construction) two month look ahead:
      1. Concrete will progress steadily across the entire footprint and will be completed through the 8th floor by the end of July.
      2. Fire standpipe rider work will be started.
      3. Curtain wall panel erection will start on Greene Street elevation.
      4. PSE&G will install the gas street connection on York Street.
    2. Fields Construction the Municipal Utilities Authority are still working on the project.
    3. NJ Transit is still working on the Light Rail on weekends and off hours.
    4. St. Peters Prep Construction- Jim Huran
      1. St Peters Preps embarked on a 6 million dollar renovation project including:
      2. Hogan Hall - Classrooms and interior renovations expected completion Labor Day
      3. Murray Hall - Extensive repairs including regrading and repairing the sideway to prevent flooding of the building
      4. Grand Street Building was taken down last year because of condition issues
      5. Grammar Schoo School - The school has had four different surveys to try to determine if it is structurally sound. The West facade is out of line in excess of 6 inches. No decision has been made as of yet.


  1. Parks Committee - Ann Webster
  1. The design and construction of the park is currently in a state of flux
  2. The Parks Committee and the architects met to work on changes to the plans
  3. We hope to start as soon as possible to not loss our in-kind donations


  1. Technology Committee - Joyce Mathisen and Andrew Macardy for Emmanuel Simon
  1. The new website was launched on Wednesday it still retains the old URL paulushook.org
  2. There are two new features our business sponsor section and an updated Paulus Hook section with a 17 minute narrated slide presentation
  3. Andrew is going to be adding video and audio interviews of local residents to the Paulus Hook section 


  1. Events and Membership Committee - Joyce Mathisen for Riza Hunger (Events)
  1. A motion was made and tabled for a $1200 budget for the Paulus Hook Event in August. 
    1. A recommendation was made to ask a Band from West Point to come and march in 2019 for the 240 anniversary. We need to ask now they book in advance.
  2. Upcoming Events Include:
    1. HPHA Book Club June 15 and August 17, 7:00 PM, at Caffe Bene 
    2. The Banking Seminar on June 8 is postponed due to staffing changes at PNC Bank
    3. Paulus Hook “PH”itness in the Park with Lauren Siegel June 17, July 15 and August 19 at 9:00 AM in Morris Canal Park by the Korean Memorial
    4. Pizza making class to take place on June 20, from 2:30 to 4:00 at John’s Pizzeria. Cost for a personal pizza with one topping and a fountain drink or water $10 each additional topping is $1.
    5. General Meeting Aug 3, 7:30 PM,  with guest speaker Cythnia Harris head Librarian of the Jersey Room at the New Jersey Public Library and Author of Changing Jersey City A history in Photographs
    6. August 7, 7:00 PM, Wine and Food Tasting at Satis cost $35
    7. Paulus Hook Week Events August 14 through August 20 include the Battle of Paulus Hook Event of August 19 where we walk with fife and drum down Washington Street to the Obelisk to here the Story of the Battle recited, Book Club 8/17, “Ph”itness in the Park 8/19, expanded Farm stand 8/19, The Immigrant Experience Tour of Liberty State Park 8/20, and more events being added. 


  1. Police Committee - Vincent Jacaruso
  1. Assaults are down 18%
  2. Burglaries are down by 30%, there were 8 cars stolen
  3. Robberies were up by 75% including two bank robberies, and a robbery of $190,000 worth of sneakers


D. Humane Society Hoboken - Servicing Hoboken and Jersey City - Irene  Borngraeber - Executive Director

  • They take in both strays and wild animals.
  • Some interesting statistics from 2016:
    • 3,186 animals were served including 756 foster animals
    • They had 392 volunteers that logged in over 8,645 hours
    • 1,030 animals were spayed or neutered and 8,817 received veterinary treatment
    • 53% of their 1.5 million dollar budget is supported by sponsors. 
    • Their work is both nonprofit and municipal contracts
  • The Health Department not the Humane Society is responsible for issues about cleaning up after your animals
  • Skunks, raccoons, and possums are natural predators to rats and mice and keep their population in line. This in turn reduces the tick population. To avoid contact with these wild animals make sure your dogs do not chase after wild animals especially those hiding under cars. Skunks can only spray if their back is facing you and they have poor eye sight and hearing.
  • If you see an injured wild animal contact Liberty Humane and look for babies in the area.
  • Liberty Humane has pet applications on their website and provides low cost preventative pet health services to the community on Wednesdays from 4PM to 6PM on a first come first serve bases.
  • Currently Liberty Humane needs:
    • Foster homes for their kittens
    • Homes for large breed dogs because many apartments have weight restriction 
    • Towels
    • Sheets
    • Dog and cat food
    • Cardboard boxes for kitten litter trays




Meeting was adjourned around 9:00 pm.

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