February 2017 General Meeting Minutes

HPHA Membership Meeting

Thursday, February 2, 2017


HPHA Membership Meeting

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Meeting called to order by Diane Kaese at 7:40 PM in the basement of Saint Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, 109 Grand Street.


  1. HPHA Board Member Attendance




Sean Connelly



Lauren Cottle

Director. Media


Peter D’Agati



Stephanie Daniels

Director, Park


Meagan Free

Director, New Membership (B)


Sharad Hegde



Riza Hunger

Director, Events


Vincent Jacaruso

Director, Police


Diane Kaese

President, Construction/ DOC


Joyce Mathisen

Secretary, New Membership (R)


Andrew Macurdy

Director, Board of Ed


Faith Ross

Director, Correspondence


Andy Siegel

V President, Featured Present, SID


Emmanuel Simon

Director, Technology, Website


Fred Sullivan

Director, Outreach Expat / English 2nd L


Jennifer Wagner



Ann Webster

Director, Park, Infastructure/Environment




B. Officer Reports

  1. President, Diane Kaese opened the meeting.
  2. January Meeting Minutes were approved.
  3. Treasury Report December and January - Jennifer Wagner 
    1. Total Cash Basis Income for the Month of  December: $2,592.98
    2. Total Cash Basis Loss for the Month of January: ($22,700.16) Including an Architect fee
  4. President Report Diane Kaese - Unfortunately as per the Korean Veterans the new gate and the balusters by the Korean Memorial were removed.


C. Committee Reports

  1. Development Oversight Committee - Diane Kaese
    1. 99 Hudson (Plaza Construction) :
      1. Tower crane erection will commence on February 13th and go through February 17th. Grand Street between Hudson and Greene will be closed during the day while this is taking place. The street will reopen at 6:00 PM each night. Diane shared drawings at the meeting.
  1. Field Development :
    1. The water main installation subcontractor is working at the end of Morris Street.
    2. They are working on keeping the site cleaner and working with off duty police to manage traffic.
  2. OLC Project:
    1. The OLC Project and the DOC had a meeting after they presented at our meeting we expressed our concerns and requested a site plan 


  1. Police Committee - Vincent Jacaruso
  1. This month in leu of a regular meeting they had Coffee with a Cop. There were about 50 to 60 people in attendance.
  2. They discussed package and bike theft.


  1. Events Committee - Riza Hunger
  1. The All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast is scheduled for April 23rd.
    1. A motion for a $1,500 for the Pancake Breakfast was accepted.
    2. We hope to have members of the Police and Fire Department help flip pancakes.
    3. We want to have a face painter, music, and story teller for entertainment.
  2. Jersey City Great American Clean Up is schedule on April 29th


  1. Communications Committee - Lauren Cottle
    1. Our first E-Newsletter was sent out in January.
    2. We hope to have a monthly E-Newsletter recapping the meeting and upcoming events issued the Monday after the general meeting.
    3. If anyone has community events they want to share please contact Lauren.


  1. Parks Committee - Diane Kaese
  1. The Historic Preservation Office has requested an archaeological dig to preserve any historical remains that may be in the park.
    1. The dig will probably focus on the area under the black top since it has been the least touched over the years.
  2. We hope to break ground on the restoration this summer and it should take 8 to 10 weeks to be completed.



Meeting was adjourned at 8:20.

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